Sunday, January 08, 2006

Jan. 8: For love of sunshine and a bike ride

For love of a day.

This day I woke early and got on my bike and rode to an ashram. I'm not an ashram kind of guy, but I've wanted to go to this ashram out at the edge of town for a long time.

So I did.

I arrived not much after the seven-thirty start time to their meditation. I parked my bicycle, the only one there, and looked for the place where the people would be. A fair amount of cars let me believe that there were others here, that is was at the right place. I went in the wrong direction, opened a few doors that ended what was obviously people’s bedrooms, and finally found the meditation room. The first sun was coming through the east window, reflecting off the west. A pretty woman moved over to share a space on a back wall.

We sat and sat and sat. This wasn’t that great, but it was peaceful and interesting: how to be happy and content with nothing. Once I adopted a comfortable position of kneeling, I was happier.

So the day began. More happened. But that was yesterday, and I’m not really interested in dredging it up. A nice day, though, these ashram people knew how to hang out in the sun and had a garden going and the “guru” made jokes about occasionally needing to get the garden work done by the “dictatorship of the guru.”

Nice people, people who like a garden. People who want to be spiritual and like being quite and outside. A nice discovery. Now, as I write this, the next day, I'm too tired to write any more.

So be it.


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