Earth, Breath, Smile
Wenonah, Chris, Marlie and some rose petals. Photo by Wenonah Elms
Earth, Breath, Smile.This is going to be the name of my official website, if and when it ever gets up, this blogger thing being so easy.
Why Earth?
Uh, like, we come from the Earth, it is always there, gravity is there, all the land based food comes from the Earth and the stuff of the sea, well, hell, that’s part of Earth, too.
So it feeds us, and grounds us, not just blah, blah “I’m so grounded” talk, talk grounded but the real deal, down there under the house or the car wheels, or the asphalt, there’s the Earth.
If we sense it and sense our skeleton hold us weightless r thereabouts in gravity then we are on a good path toward being really present to our life.
As in? Now.
Now, I breathe in. Now. I breathe out. Now I pause between the in and the out. Now I pause between the out and the in.
Notice that and we are well on the way toward an inner heaven of being in the moment.
Sure, why not. Big grin, little hidden smile no one knows about but you, makes no matter. That sense of joy of existence, that’s a good friend to be bubbling in all of our moments.
Earth, breath, smile. That’s all.
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