balance and the good luck to be heading onward and upward from the discoveries of Moshe Feldenkrais
What if "balance" were to be seen
as what it is,
somewhat of a non-existent
approximation of
not falling over.
Then, would not Judo,
or physics,
or the study of infants learning to sit up,
or even raise their heads,
perhaps be useful to this
action of
not falling over.
We seem to have lucked into a "system"
developed be a man
who excelled in Judo,
was a physicist/ engineer,
and had a profound interest in how
babies move bodies into new
phases of learning.
What a pleasant state of affairs.
And then there is "learning,"
as in gifting another person
with a one sided lesson,
so they are "out of balance"
and get to rise to higher level
of organization.
In their somewhere,
the brain,
what Moshe called the most precious
material in the universe.
Labels: gravity, judo, learning and change, learning reality, loving the new
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