Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Love Yourself and Expand from there

When you remember to like yourself, what else is there to do?

Like what's around you, love what's around you,

Like life, love life.

So that's our Valentine's Day job:

1) Look in the mirror and like what we see.

2) Look in the mirror and love what we see.

3) Take our hand up to our mouth and give it a sweet kiss.

4) Take our other hand up to our mouth and give it a kiss.

5) Look out at the sky, and the trees and give them a big kiss from our heart and soul.

6) Find some Earth to stand on and give it a big kiss from our heart and Self. (And our soul and soles.)

7) Think of someone else we love. If they are up for it, give them a kiss. If they are not available, or don't know you love them, or any minor obstacle like that, give them a kiss from inside your heart and mind.

8) It's the loving out that's good for us.

9) Have an easy and loving day.

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