I can't be tired, and happy at the same time: Is that True?
I can't be tired and happy at the same time.
That's a belief that's biting my ass today.
Let's run it through the Work: (see thework.com, if you wish)
Judge Reality
Write it Down
Ask four questions
Turn it around:
Judge Write:
I can't be tired and happy at the same time.
4 Q
1. Is it true
I can't be tired and happy at the same time?
I don't know.
2. Can I absolutely know
I can't be tired and happy at the same time?
3. What is my reaction and how do I live
if I attach
to the belief/ story/ idea/ thought/ concept
I can't be tired and happy at the same time?
Tired and wiped
Tired and defeated
Tired and trapped: "can't do anything:
Tired and cheated: can't be happy
Tired and tired of life and myself
Annoyed at myself and others
so on
4. Who or what would I be
without the story
I can't be tired and happy at the same time?
Tired and curious: what's happening now
what's it like to observe, live, enjoy
this now
in a
"tired" way
Not trapped in a story
Back to living, i.e. experiencing
Turn around:
I can be tired and happy at the same time
Another possibility
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