Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Parenting, Dreams, Invitation to improvement and joy


Advice to parents:
Say nice things to your kids everyday.
Especially when they aren’t being wonderful.
Tell them you love them.
Tell them they are wonderful:
when they hate you
when they do poorly in school
when they “forget” to do their chores (and keep asking, just don’t nag
when they are unpopular
or confused

And, above all: talk to them.
Away from the television set.
Away from the computer games.
Just talk. Don’t give advice. Just talk.
Even better, outside together, enjoying nature together, and just talk.

Dreams last night:

Last night in the going
to sleep
a kind of half sleep
and dreams:
of a wolf/lion/skunk/bear
what was that creature
wondering even as I saw it
and a dancing with a cerebral palsy
man, by hugging from behind
the woman dancing with him
her pressed in between us
and I guide and heal and teach
his nervous system
as the three of us

Invitation to Improvement and Joy

Let’s say: you have a soreness in your back or shoulders or neck as you move through life, and wouldn’t mind not only having that go away, but could enjoy learning how to function better from head to toe, from pelvis to ribs, from elbow to ear, from spine to sternum, from eye to brain?

In other words: are you game to become a more complete and aware and happy in your body and happy in your awareness person?

If this sort of improvement, about upgrading your nervous system, and rekindling your love of learning appeals to you, come on around and give yourself for awhile to this work, this Way of Conscious and Exploratory Movement.

Let’s say you want to play tennis better, or ski better, or golf with more ease and improvement and success. Again, are you willing to go inside and discover how you are and how you could be more, as this marvel of engineering, all these bones and muscles with a big brain on a planet of constant gravity and a body of two legs, and brain that loves to learn?


That’s my invitation for today.

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