Day Fifteen: “It is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
“It is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
This phrase, from Jesus, comes in the Bible shortly after ar rich man who “wants it all” is told by Jesus: okay, you’ve been good, that’s great, now give away everything to the poor and follow me.
What would “giving away all our possessions?” mean in this esoteric Christianity of love and being present that I am exploring as part of this book?
Like this: what are our “possessions?” Wow, everything we put “my” in front of. My home, my ideas, my country, my family, my beliefs, my books, my concepts, my name.
All the stuff that comes up, “No,” when we get present and dwell in the moment and ask, from that place: “Who am I really?”
I am “So and so,” (our name). “No.”
I am a man/ woman. Well, biologically, yes indeed, but is this correct to who we Really are, as we sense and aware in the moment? Try it out: sense and aware right now and see, outside of concepts and social behaviors and patterns of actions, is man/ woman who we really are?
You decide.
Republican, Democrat, liberal, conservative, TV watcher, book reader, ecologist, not caring: these again, fit us into various crowds we “like” or “don’t like,” but are they who we really are?
Play with this today: if you were to die to your possessions of all the “my” this and “my” that, would nothing be left, or would something that is the essential you?
And see if unhappiness today, as it comes and goes, has anything to do with so called “identification” (or clinging) to these various conceptual and material possessions in our life.
This is game. This is an exploration. This is huge. Enjoy.
Labels: dying and rebirth, esoteric Christianity, eye of the needle, Jesus, loving God, loving life, possessions, who are we really?
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