Monday, April 05, 2010

For the Glory of God and our own Delight, Day Thirty One

For love of God and my own amusement. This is the phrase that comes to me now, and perhaps this would be a sweet way to consider our day.

Bach, supposedly, when asked why he had 22 kids, or whatever it was, and wrote a thousand works of music, or whatever it was, and his answer was:

"For my own amusement and the Glory of God."

What would the day be like today
and tomorrow
to see if both these
could be part and parcel
(whatever that means)
of the great game of life.

Sometimes I see the two aims of being present
and being of good cheer sufficient
to keep my life at a very sweet
and fine level.

And the Glory of God
has a slightly different ring to it
than being present,
though in the present the glory
of being alive
certainly shines through.

This is your game today,
just be delighted with whatever and all that
you do,
and find some deeper glory
to it.


This is your discovery.

Dig in.

Wake up.

Slow down, less effort, more attention.


All for you, all for God.

For the glory of God
your own amusement.

See where that goes!!!


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