Tuesday, August 12, 2008

boy's stuff, girl's stuff

one foot with henna

feet in roses

feet in garden

Marlie had her feet made pretty henna designed
at the green music festival

(More Marlie fun at marvelousmarlie.blogspot.com)

and I had
a faucet break down
and delved into the weird joy
of not knowing what I was doing
as I puttered and experimented toward
"getting it"

taken apart faucet
taken apart faucet

bunch of tools I ended up not needing
bunch of tools I ended up not needing

tools I actually needed
tools I actually needed

all's well that end's well, including the 42 cent part that was necessary
all's well that end's well, including the 42 cent part that was necessary

more chris fun,
right here,
see Index

and maybe even at

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