Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Blog Cousin: Almost Enlightenment

I've written a 108 page
book manual
to awakening

along with it
and helping to explain
and expand
will be a

Almost Enlightenment

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Year almost over

new house

almost enlightenment

the book

the experience

what does love mean?

Loving Marlie whether she wants to remain
with me forever and ever
or not.

Loving me
as the now
turns into
the next now.

Loving nature.

Getting clear:

or it's friendly pal,
almost enlightenment

is for the sake of
and Humanity

in Buddha's time:
probably only a million people
on Earth

lots of forests left to burn

no more

time to get our act

low car using
silence as our guide
speaking from awakeness

living from awakeness

writing these silly
wonderful things

from awakeness

to all


Monday, December 29, 2008

How to Save the World

the mess
the world




Tibet enslaved

Africa ruined

the Middle East an ongoing shame

the beautiful Koran turned into a war cry

the beautiful Bible turned into an excuse to close the mind

and then the soil the forests the global warming and so

and all we need to do


help each other out

which means:
get out of the old rut
of me me
busy busy
buy buy
seek approval seek approval
money money

and what's left?

waking up

George Dolinsky"s plan:
get 60 million people together
and teach them to be nice

George Gurdjieff's idea:
200 awake people
could turn things around

but that was back in the 40's
so now maybe 700 awake

not impossible
and not easy

want to join
the pilgrimage
to awakeness?

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

INDEX OF JUNE 18, 2008-DECEMBER 31, 2008


726. dec 31: Almost Enlightenment, why not?

725, Dec 30 Tuesday, year almost over, yes

724. Dec 29, Monday, 2008: how to save the world

723. day after day after xmas, dec 27: love and death

722. Wed Christmas eve and so on, dec 24, 2008: good

721. Monday, dec. 22: winter is here, good time for presence

720.Friday, dec. 19: Us vs. Them

719, Wed Dec 17: death and change, la, la , he, he, ho

718, Monday, Dec. 15: Consciousness, big word, What's the Reality?

717. Sunday: Dec. 14: The Triple Friend Society

716. Friday, dec. 12: What is Truth?

715. wednesday, Dec 10: Taking a Walk in What Is

714, Monday, Dec. 8, 2008: "Thinking" in the Empty Space of You-ness

713. Saturday: December 6: Who am I?

712, Friday, December 5, 2008: Bench Again, Working and Waking, shades of Gurdjieff

711. December 3: feeling the feelings vs. getting lost in the "story"

710. December 1, 2008, Monday: Mystical Experiences


709. Nov. 29, Saturday: Slowing down to Now, even me, even you.
Plus: looking for hosts to work toward Awakened Living together

708. Nov. 28: Thanks Eight, and hey: use hay (leaves, junk mail, anything organic),
to make soil, feed the Earth to feed you later

707. Nov. 27, Thanksgiving Day, Thank God It's Thanks Giving

706. November 26, Wednesday, 2008: Thanks six: Coming Home to Stillness

705. November 25, Tuesday, 2008: Thanks Five, for Being Alive, Mom, Dad, Earth, evolution, water water, enlightenment, etc.

704. November 24, Monday: thanks for Yes! magazine, and the idea of a Day of Rest

703. November 22, Saturday, Thanks Three: the Miracle of Brain/ Body Ease and Learning, for stroke, "dyslexic," and anyone who wants to improve thinking, moving and feeling

702. November 21, 2008: Thanking Two: sun and life

701. Nov. 20, Thursday, 2008: Thanksgiving One

700. November 19, Wednesday, 2008: slowing down, soiling/ souling up

699 Nov 18, Tuesday, 2008: friendship, a slow boat to heaven

698 November 17: healing relationships: listening is pretty amazing

697 Nov 16: Sunday, beautiful Sunday: The Secret Life of Bees

696 Nov 15 sat, Feeding the Earth, nourishing our Soul/ Soil

695 Nove fri : Is it safe to be smart, yet? Not quite

694/ November 13, 2008: We Did It

693. November 11, 2008, Veteran's /Armistice Day, War and Peace

692. Nov 10: mon, veteran's day: The Failure of Arguing

691. Nove 9 sun What are we Here for?

690 Nove 8, Sat, rainy evening, 2008: love, light, kids, death, waking

689/ Nov. 7: Feed the Earth/ How to be Unhappy

688. Nov. 6, We Can

687. Nov. 5, 2008: Yes, We Can

686. November 3, 2008: birthday, rain, election coming: miracles

685. Nov. 2, 2008: Five lines, happiness and death

684. November 1, 2008: I shouldn't be such an idiot: Is that true?


683. Oct. 31: Hallow-ing, what is good, what is holy

682. Oct. 30 Parties, inside and out

681. Oct 28: fun and unimportant

680. Oct 27: the importance of not knowing

679. October 26. 2008: If you aren't happy this breath

678. October 25, 2008: Why are People Unhappy?

677. Oct 24: Impermanence and Bliss

676. Oct. 23: Love

675. Oct 22, what you gona do: Are we Awake yet?

674. Oct 22, 2008: today's as good as any to wake up

673. Oct 21, 2008: 7 Essentials of Happiness

672. oct 20, monday, 2008: can robots be equal?

671. october 19, Sunday, 2008: Love and staying up late

670. October 17, Friday: When things go wrong

679. Oct. 16: time : nonsense, or rat race, or racing on empty, or what?

Oct. 15, I can't be tired and happy at the same time: Is that true?

677. Oct. 14: Exulting the Change of Seasons

676. Oct 13: What would it Take...?

675. Oct 12, and Sunday ish, Moshe, Gurdjieff and living a life

674. Octo 10, Fri Hitler Person or Happy Person

673. October 9, Thursday, 2008: Love is... Easy / hard/ easy/ hard / ????

672. October 8: What would Wake Up Yoga be Like?

671. Oct 7, Tuesday: 40 days, what a difference going inside makes

670. Oct 6, Monday: Mindful Gardening, Mindful Moving, Mindful Living

669. Oct 5, 2008: Mindful gardening, mindful living

668. Oct. 4: Other People's "Concern", help or burden???

667. Oct. 3: Staying Here, Now

666. Oct 2: Why am I leaving?

665. Oct 1, Morning Meditation, Buddha Prayer to wish us all well
on our ways
to wherever
and whenever
we are going

664. Oct 1, 2008: Liking what "it" doesn't like


663. Sept 30, 2008: Love is...

662. Sept 29: five paths, link to the work on: Marlie and I are insane to be parting when we are so...

661. Sept 28: What would It be like to...

660. Sept 27, 2008: Can I help you, friend?

659. Sept 26, 2008: Love Is...

658. Sept 26, 2008: Getting Along Better Knowing "the End"

657. Sept 24, 2008: in love, love, Woody Allen, mindfulness

656. Sept 23: only with love, executive clarity, link to 108 days: People who love each other, shouldn't part

655. Sept 22, 2008: Knees please, link to 108 days

three roses

654: September 21, 2008: 8th Anniversary

653. Sept 20: Things change, hmmm

652. Sept 19, Friday, 2008: Unconditional Love, Nice Work if you can get it,
and if you can't
do the Work

651. sept 18, 2008: keeping relationship's love alive while undoing the relationship,
not easy, Work that's worth doing

650. Sept 17, 2008: soft stomach, open heart, curious

649. Sept 16: learning

648. Sept 15, 2008 : love is tricky, and real, too

647. Sept 14: 2008 Chris and Marlie, two dumb dumbs, and the Turn Around as saving grace

646. sept 13, who would I BE without the story?

645: sept 12, 2008: how do I react when I believe the lie?

644, sept 11, 2008: sept 11, a big fat curve ball

643. sept 10, happiness

642. Sept 9, 2008: curve balls of life, ... what about home runs?

641: Sept 8: Question two of the work

640. Sept 7, the trouble with me

639. Sept 6. 2008: Is it True? Here we go on the road to freedom.

638. Sept 5, 2008: a little love, and a little discipline

637. Sept 4, 2008 eo: What if we knew

636. Sept. 3, 2008: this funny Guy, God

635. September 2: Short and Sweet, Short and Scary

634. September 1, 2008: Labors of Love, School of Life, School as stagnation


633. Aug 31, 2008: Sunday on Saturday: Joyless and Joyful Tai Chi

632. Aug. 30: Today, in Berkeley, new impressions help

631. aug 29, 2008: Undoing stress, Undoing the Marlie/ Chris thing, Or: learning and love

630. aug 28, 2008: many faces of life

629. aug 27, 2008: the wonder of it all, you me life and so on

628. aug 26, 2008, †uesday: sometimes we is jerks, oh well, what to do and so on

627. Aug 25, 2008: Fall Classes starting Sept 9

626. Aug 18, 2008: time and life and yes

625. Aug 17, 2008: stretching brains not tight muscles

624. Aug. 13: Wed Ramble: Warrior, Poses

623. Aug. 12, 2008: boy's stuff, girl's stuff

622. August 11, 2008: Want to Hear about my Rough Childhood? (Yawn.)

621. August 8: health and other stuff

620. Aug 7: Going slow to learn

619. August 6, 2008: Grumpy Moms and Learning to Love

JULY 2008

618. July 28, 2008: the porpoise of life

617. July 26, 2008: what is a life; link to tai chi thoughts

616. July 23, 2008: stretching, perhaps a self inflicted unkindness??

615. July 21,2008: mini/maxi path to "enlightenment"

614. July 18, 2006: Have a Wonderful Day, it's good for your health

613, July 16, 2008: A Movement Lesson

612. July 14, 2008: Who Was Moshe Feldenkrais?

611. July 11, 2008: bee sting and overzealous reportage

610. July 9, 2008: Creating Pathways to Change

609. July 7, 2008Thinking in a New Way

608. July 6, 2008 independence, day, daze, how many ways??

607. July 3, 2008Slow down, part XII

JUNE 2008

606. June 30, Monday: No fires, life is good, you are good, learning is good

605. June 28, Saturday: Fires are good

604. June 25, Wednesday, How to be Happy even when you aren't happy

603. June 24, Tuesday, "too tired" to be present...Is that True?

cosmos center

Saturday, December 27, 2008

love and death

we all die
the day dies
the year dies
even trees that live forever and ever

and so:
what's the solution:
let each moment
wake to the rising sun
of each

and wow



and we don't have to
think bout that

just experience
and it's who you


isn't me

when i'm loving

don't think
about that

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

short speck big deal

was some say
born around Christmas

around Easter

a speck of life
in a vast universe

a brilliant speck


and every

of this
of our


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Monday, December 22, 2008

winter is here


and now
the days get

the day
of presence
is coming


Friday, December 19, 2008

Us vs. Them

Us vs. Them

When we give someone we love one of our few last strawberries, or say even the last strawberry, we are happy. Their pleasure in the strawberry is our pleasure.

But if someone we “don’t like,” or even someone we profess to “love,” but have a kind of competitive/ I’m not getting enough attitude with, “takes” one of our last strawberries, we feel deprived.

Think about how this operates.

Think about what is the difference, really, between “us” and “them.”

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Year's end, lives end, frost cometh

things change

this is good
if you are surfing the now


and surfing
the now

can be confused

one of the few
confusions worth
allowing and expanding

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Monday, December 15, 2008


a big word

and what is the experience
of Consciousness?

Think of a kid's drawing
of a person:
two stick legs
a stick middle
two stick arms
a ball head

if we could just be
"Conscious" of that much
as we went about
the too busy
too yammery
too thinky

we'd be in pretty


Sunday, December 14, 2008

TheTriple Friend Society

What about this?

Friend to ourself.

Friend to others.

Friend to the Earth.

How to do that?

Most of the essays / thoughts/ poems
in this blog
have been about that.

Good start:
to be present
and then

With others:
be present.

With the Earth:
consume less
grow more
car use less
walk to friends
make friends with those within walking distance

that's a start.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

What is Truth?

this is a good question:

what is truth?


let's start simple:
somehow we are pressing down
in some part of our bodies
into the Earth, chair, floor, bed

this is a simple truth,
and the paying attention to it
can get us out of a lot of "stories"
in our head/ heart that make for misery

and we are either breathing in
or breathing out
or inbetween the two

this too
worthwhile to put attention on

okay, so we are breathing
in a world of gravity and arms
and legs
and spine and head

what is a big Truth?

that we can know
we Are/

are what? is more complicated,
but Alive 
is a good start

we Are
we Are Alive

we can be Aware of this


plus gravity
plus breathing

and: there is a world out there
and plants
and trees
and billions of other 

they 2 are
AA and can be A

maybe we can be of us
to others
or the trees and birdies
and plants

who knows?

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Taking a Walk in What Is


Talking a walk in What Is.

Take a walk. Notice when you are in What Is. As in experiencing the sky.

And when you are in a story about What Is. The sky is beautiful, or cold, or hinting of good or bad weather.

The temperature is what you experience.

Vs. the temperature is too hot, too cold, just right.

You are putting one foot and then another, touching the ground, moving along in space.

Vs. you are walking well, poorly, too fast, too slow, wasting time, doing well with your time.

And so on.

Notice the different “taste” of being in “What Is.”

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Monday, December 08, 2008

Thinking without "thinking". Realization.

From a 108 chapter book,
108 ways in 27 days
to achieve
and almost enlightenment:


Asking for an answer.

Ask yourself a question that is important for you.

Stand. Do tap, tap, and some of the movement lessons in standing that get you clearer about your standing in gravity body.

Take a walk.

Ask your mind to mull over the question, telling it, explaining that you won’t be using “words” to “think” about the question, but will just allow some deeper and quieter part of you to work on the question.

Take the walk.

Have the question “back there,” but don’t word-think about it.

Follow your breath and look for beauty in your walk, and sense your feet touching down and pushing off the ground.

When you come back from your walk, get a pencil/pen and paper and quickly, without “thinking” write whatever comes to your mind, about the specific question, or about “anything.”

This, as can be all your life, is an experiment.

See what happens.

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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Who Am I?

Who or what am I
without my story?

Question four of
the Work of Byron Katie

Question number two
how to be in the present.

Question number one
of how to be present:

What is my experience,
without describing it,
right now?

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Friday, December 05, 2008

Bench again, Working and Waking

bench at end

I made a couple of benches
a while ago,
one was good,
one got torn
all that's left is
the pictures

(For these pics,
see blog entry: Fun and Unimportant,
which actually
wasn't "true".
Anything done with love
and attention
is "important.")

One bench is for an amazing man,
amazing musician,
and as Sukhawat is back in
yesterday was the day
to finish the one above.

Working for its own sake
is great
working as a practice in
waking is
really sweet.

So much of the "spiritual" life
is avoiding of work, and "the world,"
and all that,
meanwhile, often rushing off to "spiritual" places
in a car,
and then
rushing away to go back to sleep
in the ongoing rush.

Is that true?

Who knows?


sweet reunion yesterday
with a fellow who loves/ enjoys/ follows
the Gurdjieff work
where I first learned
of ongoing physical work,
like gardening, carpentry, painting
as the real meditation.

Met people who were cab drivers,
carpenters, painters, gardeners,
computer programmers, writers, nurses,
all sort of things
and the practice was:
go to work
be in the world
and keep huge amounts of attention
on arms and legs, sensing,
ears, hearing,
eyes, noticing reflected light.

Ah, this is still a sweet,
sweet practice:
this "doing" not in the do-do head
way of conditioned life,
but "doing" as a chance to develop
while out and about in the "world."

bench plus shadow and shoes

A ways back
and good
with any efforts you might
enjoy in this direction:


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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Feeling your feelings vs. getting lost in "the story"

Had the sweet opportunity
to tell several people
last night (at an amazing pizza

about the
Work of Byron Katie

the trip with Katie is
Judge someone else
Write it Down
Ask Four Questions
Turn it Around

The goal
and often result:
undoing of old sufferings of the emotional sort

The 4 questions
lead to a state of freedom
from the story and all it's torments

the feelings
behind the story
you can feel

as pure sensation
and that is an experience
and present in your life

the story,

that can and usually does
take us to
all sorts of hells

don't take
my word for it

try it out
the Work

and learning

and living the
awake life:

may I be of assistance
to you?

Monday, December 01, 2008

Mystical Experiences

There is a big to do
on one of the Internet
about mystical experiences.

Everyone has an opinion.

Me, too:

Mystical experiences are fine.

Everyday happiness is fine.

Thinking, talking, explaining them
is much, much less useful
than we might think,
hope and imagine,

as we boast/ rhapsodize / swoon over
the marvels
not happening now,

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