Thursday, May 03, 2012

INDEX OF POSTINGS (1067, so far)

single rose


JUNE 2013

1067. June 14: Fixed vs Dynamic Relating: Back in the game, fast vs slow and mindful

1066. August 8: Sneaky marriage, troubled divorce, rough life: story time for adults

JULY 2012

1065. July20: Mindfulness and Self Love, yes, yes  

JUNE 2012

1064. June 28: Slowing to now is enough, at Whole Foods and in life/ Life

1063. June 19: Hello Sonoma,  Life offers.... 

MAY 2012

1062, May 3, Thursday:  Stuck to unstuck, big fun with the right idea of life


1061. April 25, Wednesday: Communication, staying "now" and it might get wow

1060. April 7, Saturday: The Past is over, Rover, come back to peacea healing game for you and a partner, or an imaginary partner

MARCH 2012

1059. Friday, March 23: Divorce and Enlightenment

1058. March 16, back hello on Fridays: a Feldy treat on anti-aging etc


1057. Feb 29: Our real heart vs our wounded heart

1056. Feb 26: Vows for Enlightened Relationship

1055. February 24: Other people love us, and sometimes they forget, oh well

1054. February 10, Friday: if god is love, is Valentine's day holy?

1053. Feb 3, Friday: the importance of love, 22


1052. January 17: God is love, so might as well love back

1051. January 6: Love is this moment caressing itself


1051: November 21: Beyond the arguing thing

1050. Nov 11, 2011: Talking and ... asleep or awake, what a grand choice

1049. Novem 4: What would your Mom say if she were dead and you were grieving?


1048. Octo 28: Now, Nature and Love: we are perfect, so are the roses, redwoods and the "others"

1047. October 21: Friday and the Sun is shining, weather or not we command it so

1046. October 14: If Love is the answer, what is the question?


1045. October 1: Geothe on Commitment and moving forward in life


1044. Sept 30: Divorce Blues, relax Jack it's just life, ("just!!!!!!!!

1043. Sept 23: Waking up in relationship, or having to be our moms and pops

1042. Sept 11; The joy of 9/11

1041. Sept 10: The Joy of Divorce, via slowing down

1040. Sept 4 Carlos Casteneda after 30 years, the first Harry Potter

1039. What are Brains for?

AUGUST 2011:

1038. August 28: What to Do about Heat, death, taxes, people who are mean to you?

1037. August 19: Love, God, Mira, Hafiz, sec and sacred

1036. August 14: Lovers and Gods and the I AM in us, now

1035. August 13: The Way out of Suffering: no Shit

1034. August 5: Who is We, underneath za garbage and ze conditioning

JULY 2011

1033. July 22: Wake the F.... up!

1032. July 15: The Joy of Divorce

1031. July 9: The Joy of overcoming difficulties

1030. July 1: The purpose of bad days

JUNE 2011

1029. June 23: What iz Life Fur?

1028. June 17: Consolidation at WakeUpFelddie Blog

1027. June 10: Finding, Feeling,, Fighting: Waking up to Cure Cancer

1026. June 3:  Feeling good even though part of us feels bad

MAY 2011

1025. May 20: the tired thing, the nap possibility

1024. May 13: The Importance of Living

1023. May 6:
The untragedy of "things ending"; relationship shifting with Penina

APRIL 2011

1022. April 29: Friday, Eating and Moving toward a new level of awareness/ fitness

1021. April 22, Friday, Good Friday: So Slow in this moment of our lives

1020. April 15: friday, taxes are taxing, death is relaxing, love is everlasting

1019. April 8, friday: How to sit more easily happily and kind of your backly
at your computer

1015. March 3: Preliminary Landmark Forum thoughts, with cute Moshe Feldenkrais story way at the end


1014. Feb 27, Sunday:  Movement lesson for feeding,, fighting and spine breath happiness

1013. Feb 25 Saturday:  Outside, Inside, life is good

1012. Feb 19: try three, at least 3 journeys, all at once, maybe 4

1011, Feb 19, coming to Austin, and the journey, art 2

1010: Feb 18:  beginnings of a journey talk

1009/ feb 11, Valentine's Day offering: real communication, out of habit, into the present

1008. Feb 11: Nor Friday the 13 but the one before V day, true, good, beautiful to you and you and you

1007/ Feb 3: Make God happy, be present and make your loved ones smile; make God laugh, have a plan


1006. Jan. 29: Turn around 3 ways: to self, to the other, the whole shebang is wrong, Good

1005: January 21: The Way of Loving, ourselves and others

1004. January 14, Friday posting is the new game:  The Importance of Living via the Importance of awakened moving

1003. Jan 7: Book for Sale: may led to happiness, awareness and waking at 4 levels

1002. Jan 6: First four of the amazing games/ activities/ meditations from 108 Ways,
a book coming out this April

1001. Jan 6: Love and Death, one secret to happiness, plus nice picture of Madrone tree bark

1000. Jan 3: the balm of all suffering: emptiness

999. Jan 2: happiness is an inside job


998. Dec 30: resolutions, 1

997/ Dec 24 today is not Christmas

996. Dec 23: What's important?

995. Dec 22: Love in the winter

994. Dec 21: Love is loving the imperfect, 22 minutes of mullng

993 Dec 20: What is good about life, one person's opinion, and opinions aren't truth

992. Dec 14: fear can be real, or just another grand wake up call

991. Dec 3: You do not have to be good: a Mary Oliver poem

990. Dec 1; waking up good guys bad guys nonsense or no nonsense


989. Nov 30: Austin cold like winter, warm like life

988. nov 25: thanks for the sweet empty void, source of....

987. nov 24: stuck and unstuck, the magic of "I don't know"

986. nov 23: another happy poem, is that permissible

985. Nov 23, happiness in the morning against the chattering brain odds in Austin

984. Nov 10: Impatience steals us from the now: plus a utube sermon, good

983. Nov. 1: The blame temptation


982. Oct 29 Life is good in a cool morning

981. October 26: Amazing Austin, plus letter to folks who might want to try the work in Austin

980. October 18: Looking for clients, and cool people and housing in Austin, Texas

979. Oct 16: the wonders of now, yep, this one right now

978. October 6: the importance of love, 2 


977. sept 30, the importance of love

976. Sept 22:  Criticism In, Criticism Out: getting free of the programming

975, Sept 14: The Nearness of ???? (God, Life, Love, Your Real Self)

974. Sept 13: The Meaning of Life, Learning and Happiness: Chapter One

973. Sept One: What Difference Do it Make, or Homeless Wisdom, or: Sweet Book 

AUGUST 2010 

972. August 19, or so:  Argue with your feet, your truth, but not with the one you love

971. Aug 14: life is now, even when you are "late'

970. Aug 12: story, story, on the brain: what's left minus

969. Aug 10:  the wonder of it all, sort of

968. aug 9: waiting to be caught, or to catch

967.  august 7: Waiting for the Friend, and pretending its out there

966. August 6: waiting, part A

965. August 5: now or nothing, and now and nothing win/win

964. August 4: Waiting to Be where we Already ARe

963. August 3: Poem a Day, ha ha

962. August 3, Tuesday: Reality as a sweet feast

JULY 2010

961. July 29: the Sweetness of Baby Learning: a 3 minute vidoe

960. July 21: A frame for mediation

959. July 20: Practicing thinking

958. July 18: Happiness is not a sin

957. July 17: Up and Down, Lengthening and Awaring and Easing into our Day

956. July 13: The name they give us not = us, nor the labels, what's left?

955. July 10: Heaven and Earth and our human awareness in between

954. July 9: Thinking and Walking: Giving ourselves options to the ongoing "worry"

953. July 6: emotional upping: choices at the unhappiness node

JUNE 2010

952. June 30: Present to feet and eyes: the up and down of being human

951. June 29, "thinking" without words

950. June 28: emotional learning: what thoughts do what

949. JUNE 24: day 109, we have a spine

948. June 14: Five lines and loving life

947/ June 7: Loving God, do ya have to believe to do that?

MAY 2010

946. May 30, Sunday, Jesus in the New Yorker: was Jesus sometimes not "Christian?" Gads, what to do with that?

945. May 26, wednesday: Weather we like it or not, today is today, and now is now

944. May 19: wednesday: Waiting as a Fruitful and ever available food

943. May 12: Unhappy, happy, who is the real me?

942. May 7: Day Forty Two: Going Slow

941. May 1: Day Forty One: Having Fun

APRIL 2010

940. April 30: Day Forty: The Fullness

939. April 27: Day Thirty Nine: The Pause that seems to slow can ///// instead. What is /////?? Try it and find out.

938. April 24 . Lots of writing of the one page per action/ motion/ learning sort. 16 days worth.

937. April 21, Wednesday: twisting and learning in sitting

936. April 17, Saturday: Toes are for walking and learning. brains are for waking up and learning. life is for living

935. April 15, Thursday: The Importance of Love

934. April 13, Happy Birthday Chris, Day Thirty five: Waking to Life and Now, even while chatting, talking, blah, blahing

933. April 12: Day Thirty-three: look at a tree

932. April 9, Day thirty-four: Happy Toes, Happy Feet, movement lesson

931. April 8: Day thirty two, what to do: Change around our "take" on various emotional reactions

930. April 5, Day 31: For the glory of God and our own Amusement

929. April 3, day 30: waking to our real selves

928. April 2: Day 29, what to leave behind, death of part of "me" = change, = rebirth

927. April 1, index of the second time around on 108 days, starting November 1 last year, ending Feb 24, 2010

MARCH 2010

926. March 30: Day 27: One way to Heaven : move with awakening

925. March 25: Day Twenty Five, More alive, less "have to"

924. March 24: Day Twenty-Four: Sensing the Floor, the gravity game, enjoy

943. March 22: What to do? Be, be, be of good cheer

942. March 21, Day Twenty One: The turn around

941. March 20: Who are we WITHOUT the story?

940. March 19, Day 19: Who am I WITH the story?

939. March 18, Day Eighteen: The Work of Byron Katie, #2: Is it absolutley true?

938. March 17, Day Seventeen: The Work of Byron Katie, #1: Is it true?

937. March 16: Why Wake Up, or Fun in Nowing and Moving and Inventing

936. Day 15: Rich in Possessions = Poor chance of getting into Kingdom of Heaven

935. March 14, day 14, seventh day, of rest, prayer a lot, little bits

934. March 13, day 13: lucky thirteen, season time, seasons of the day time, take a walk

933. March 12, day 12: more five lines in actions, folding from on back

932> march 11, day 11: towards heaven, 2: emotions minus words in the head

931. march 11, Troubled? Love Poem to God, by Hafiz

930. March 10, day 10: emotional freedom by varying what we usually get "stuck" in

929. Day Nine, actually, acture not posture is where to hunt

928. Day Eight, March 8: Round and arch in standing

927. Day Seven, March 7, March on, ho hi ha ho, The Day of Rest, the Kingdom of Heaven

926. March 4, day six: This is My Life

925. March 4, Day Five, Feeling more alive, waking to our 5 lines in forward bending

924. March 1, Day Four: Open the Door, what door? Well, discovering which door is opening the door, in a way


923. feb 28: Why live?

922. feb 27: arms and legs, sensing expands, day two

921. feb 26: day one: sensing, difference, breathing

920. feb 24: day 108: this is a beginning

919. feb 23, day 107, this is my life, 2

918. feb 22 day 106 up and down and five lines, the easy and not so easy

917. feb 20. day 105: sitting and side bending

916. feb 17, day 104: slowing down

915. feb 15: day 103, emotions as actions, so let's move toward free

914, feb 14: happy Valentines, day 102: Write Yourself a Love Letter, both hands write, go slow, love and learn

913. feb 12, day 101: ten fingers, ten toes, belly, eyes, ears, nose

912. feb 10, day 100: a review of sorts

911. feb 9, day 99: having a good time discovering the new in the now

910. feb 8, 98: la, la, la: past over rover, oh well, oh great

909. feb 7: 97, heaven: lying on our backs, learning

908. feb 6 , day 96 rotation for fun, joy, meditation, learning, "relaxation," and upgrading of awareness, ease and "energy

907. feb 5: day 95: 3 kinds of business, Byron Katie shortcut

906. feb 4: day 94: making hell for ourselves by believing the story, q 3 of the work

905. feb 3, day 93,

904. feb 2, day 92: But I don't want to forgive. Ah, to be human and stuck, welcome to the Life on Earth show

903. Feb 1, day 91: Go inside, let it go, and find real Peace


902. jan 30: day 90: Go outside, and see what now tastes like there

901. jan 29: 89< doing fine, breathing two ways and the joy of a spine and a sense of humor

900. jan 28: day 88, heaven's gate = ???

899. jan 27, day 87: hard but, what the heck, waking up is amazing

898. jan 26, day 86, movement around the axis, playing in rotation

897. jan 25, day 85, the pause that wakes us up

896. Jan 24, day 84, what's amazing in your life?

895. January 23, day 83: tongues to the nowing

894. jan 22: day 82: arching and rounding in sitting

893. jan 21, day 81: what we like as a clue to what we are like

892. jan 20: the glory and necessity of now

891. jan 19, day 79:listening in new ways, part 1

890. jan 18:day 78: hopping in two ways, thinking and moving, yes

889. jan 17, day 77: other people are (surprise!) what they are

888. jan 16, day 76: reality through two lens

887. jan 15: day 75: what is reality and other "little" q's

886. jan 14: day 74: what's more, round and arch

885. jan 13, day 73: breathing our way to now

884. jan 12: day 72, what to do: waking to others while talking

883. jan 11: day 71son of a gun, or: awake while yakking

882, jan 10, of what, plenty?

881, jan 9, day 69: what to leave behind

880. jan 8, day 68: breathing out, two ways

879. jan 7, day 67: to heaven, one (remembered) breath at a time

878. jan 6, day 66: pick up sticks, flexing our spines, touching the ground, the wall

877. jan 5, day 65: alive

876. Jan 4, day 64: There's always more, but what...?

875. Jan 3, day 63: Looking at a tree, part 2

874. January 2, 2010: day 62: leaning, rising, being in now not thought



873. dec 31: day 61: what we want vs. who we really are

872. dec 30: day 60: silence is a/ the path

871. dec 29: day 59 : other people and staying awake

870. dec 28: day 58: down on the ground and learning

869. dec 27: liking what 'it' doesn't like

868. dec 27: day 57: Up from down, gravity movement learning and fun

867. dec 26: Day 56: Up and down, for learning and fun

866. dec 25: Christmas songs and two grand hints: silence, nature

865. dec 25, Christmas, day 55 being alive, fully alive

864. dec 24, day 54: nice vs kind, kin and being present

863. Dec 23: day 53: arch and round and breathe in sitting

862. Dec 22: day 52: Wake up to Who we Really Are

861. Dec 21: day 51: What's new under the sun?

860. Dec 20: Day 50: Other people, can we listen deeper?

859. Dec 19: Day 49: More spine, sitting and standing, plop, plopping

858. dec 18, day 48: five lines all day, hmmm, hard and amazing

857. dec 17, day 47< do not let the sun set on....huh??? #2

856. dec 16: day 46: be angry but do not sin, huh??

855. dec 15, day 45: alive and moving on side, spine and pelvis again

854. dec 14: day 44: moving spine and pelvis, lying on the side

853. dec 13, day 43, 20 nice things about an "enemy"

852. dec 12L day 42: What to do: Pause, wait, see, yes

851. Dec 11: Day 41: It's done, it's us, good news: the turn around

850. Dec 10: Day 40: the end of suffering, who are we without the story?

849. Dec. 9: q #3, consequences of attaching to the thought

848. Dec. 8: 38: question 2: Can you Absolutely know this thought is true?

847. Dec 7: 37: on way to Heaven, the Byron Katie boat, part 1

846. Dec. 6: Right now and rotation around ourselves: fun and exploring and NOW

845. Dec. 5: day thirty-five: Now is around and waiting, where are we?

844, Dec 4: Day Thirty-four: Happy, unhappy: watching

843. Dec. 3: Day Thirty Three, really seeing a tree, = love

842. Dec 2: Twisting in Sitting, fun

841. Dec. 1: Day Thirty-One: Talking and Staying Present, 2


840. Nov. 30: Day Thirty:Down and Dirty, or not, the being present present present thing

839. Nov. 29: Day Twenty-Nine: Don't take it Personally

838. Nov. 28:Day Twenty-Eight, Standing up straight via spine furling and unfurling

837. Nov 27: Day Twenty-Seven: One Way to Heaven, Slow Down

836. Nov. 26 Day Twenty-six: Gratitude as a fun game, rather than a being good duty

835. Nov. 25 Day Twenty-five:
What if we didn't "Have to...."

834: Nov. 24: Day Twenty-four:Moving with Attention

833. Nov. 23: Day Twenty-three: Sensing our Five Lines

832. Nov 22: Day Twenty-two: Be of Good Cheer

831. Nov 21: Day Twenty-One: First time through, Awake while Talking

830. Nov. 20: Day Twenty: This is my Life, 2

829. Nov. 19:Day Nineteen: Sensing arms and legs AND spine

828. Now 18: Day Eighteen: Waking in Moving

827. Nov.17, Day Seventeen: Emotional freedom, sensing without the words

826. Nov. 16: Day Sixteen: Sweet Sixteen, sweet and bitter straws of life

825. Day 15: Day Fifteen: Take a Nap

824. Nov 14: Day Fourteen: Neck and spine and Pelvis: Or, the Neck starts in the Ass

823. Nov. 13: Day Thirteen: Rotation around our axis, more

822. Nov. 12 Day Twelve: Coming to Ease via Aware Moving/ Learning / Waking UP

821.Nov. 11, Kingdom of Heaven, 2

820.Nov. 10: ACTURE and the real world

819. Nov. 9: Loving our Spine

818. Nov. 8: Standing up Straight

817. Nov 7, Kingdom of Heaven

816. Nov. 6 This is my Life

815. Nov. 5, Being Alive, Sensing Arms and Legs

814. Nov. 4, What if God were around?

813. Nov. 3: Day Three: Emotional Choosing, ? Maybe

812. Nov 2: Day Two: Breathing plus legs, to wake up

811. Nov. 1 Sensing our Legs to Wake to Now


810. October 23: Benefits of Anat Baniel Method

809. October 16: working to create a sweet space

808. October 7: life is good


807. Sept 24: working too hard

806. Sept 13: soul now

805. Sept 12: What will it profit a dude or dudess ?

804. Sept 10 Go Slow, Joe

803. Sept. 7: new phone #

802. Sept 5: Waking necessary to change

801. September 1, 2009: What's the Problem, inner vs outer worlds


800. August 20: Be happy, or what?

799. August 15: Nice vs real, or "????"

798. August 13, This is my life

797. Aug 11, Tues: Who am I?

796. Aug 10: Be of Good Cheer

795. August 9, Sunday: Be angry, but do not sin

794. August 8, Turning to the left with awareness

793. August 7, for love of love

792. August 7, 108 days of now-ing, day one

791. Aug 4, Hi Sweetie

JULY 2009

790. July 20, Love is good, Morgan some more

789. July 15, hiding behind the mask, or not

788. July 14: yes to it all

787. July 9: I'm in love and so what?

786. July 7 yes life good day ha ha hee hee ho

785. july 2 ten fingers ten toes wake up call, sort of

784. July 1, How to get smarter

JUNE 2009

783. June 30, balance and Moshe and more

782.June 24 loving life a few days after solstice

781. June 19 the porpoise of life

780. June 11, every morning, more chances to love

779. June 4, love, change, awakening

778. June 1, this moment

MAY 2009

777. gone

776. May 19, 2009: Orcas finally, and beautiful it is

775. May 18, Monday: Stuff happens

774. May 16, Arcata fine place, not a place I wish to move to

773. May 15, 2009: Doing Less, sometimes

772. May 2, 2009: Saturday: Arcata, Hello; always a choice: now or not now

APRIL 2009

771. April 15, Now is Easy, Why don't we always go there?

770. April 15, 2009: taxes and death, good????

769. April 10, 2009: Life is good

768. April 5, 2009: Anat Baniel Practitioner, Brendan and his dad, both

MARCH 2009

767. March 31: love is all around

766. March 26, Thursday: Light upon Light, the light verse of the Qu'ran

765. March 20, Friday, what's love got to do with it, 2

764. March 18, Wed, What's good about being alive?

763. March 13, Friday: watch this, you'll be glad

762. March 11: Tuesday: the beauty of today

761. March 9. Monday, 2009: one meaning of the Resurrection

760. March 7, Saturday: Love, Busy-ness, Forgiveness

759. March 2, 2009: What's love got to do with it?

758. March 1, 2009: Sunday in Atlanta: Snow and Love


757. feb 27: other people

756. feb 25: poor me, not poor me

755 feb 22: good day Sunday: take advice on alfalfa and car roofs

754. feb 21: good day, Saturday

753. feb 17: who would i be without the story?

752/ Feb 15: Katie and Jesus

751. Feb 10: in Tucson, with and without the story

750. February 5: an exercise from Orage

749. February 4: in a new place it is tempting


748. Jan 30, Friday: Last day, yoga pose, good for life

747. Jan 29, Thursday: the primacy of love

746. jan 24, at 2009:::: sun today

745. jan 23, too much, just the right amount

744. jan 22 2009: baraka and nobility and the power of possibilities

743. jan21 wed 2009: new day, end of an error

743. jan 21, 2009: Barack's speech, print form, let's get to work

742. jan 20, tuesday, 2009: finally, it's okay to have a brain

741. jan 19, mon, 2009: love and not love

740. jan 17, 2009: sat, drink tea be happy

739. jan 16, 2009, friday: for love

738.jan 15, thurs, breathing

737. jan 14, wed, why not be happy

736.January 13, 2009: tuesday, :: for love of morning, life is...

735. January 11, 2009: Sunday: the porpoise of life

734. January 10, 2009, Saturday: boundaries and love and possibilities

733. January 9, 2009, Friday: 'tis grand to breathe and be alive

732. January 8, 2009: So called "tired"

733. January 7, 2009, Wed., If what you are doing isn't working...

732, January 6, 2009, Tuesday: this poem has nothing

731. January 5, 2009: The Peace that Passeth all Understanding

730. January 4, 2009: to be awake is to love

729. January 3, 2009: What can a real person do?

728. January 2, 2009: If another person is a pain in the ass

727/ January 1, 2009: New Year, New Chances to Love, Yes

INDEX OF 2009 POSTINGS, # 727 -873

cosmos center

603-726, INDEX OF POSTINGS, June 18, 2008- December 31, 2008

509-602 , INDEX OF POSTINGS JANUARY 1,2008 TO JUNE 17, 2008

1-508: Index of Postings August 2004, to December 31, 2007

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overcoming the stuck makes us happy, smart and strong, or something like that

Moshe Feldenkrais ends his book, the Potent Self, with a statement to the effect that
"One of the great joys in life is overcoming difficulties."

There you go.

Life is about challenges,
and even if the challenge is being delighted
in the present,
that challenge is always present.

We want to change weight.
Get jobs more in tune with our real nature.
Make more money.
Move more easily.
Improve golf, tennis, swimming, yoga, walking, dancing.

We want to relax more,
Be happier.

That's a good base line isn't it:

To be happy.

Happiness is who we are meant to be.

Unhappiness is the alarm signal:
not living life as it should be lived.

Joy is who we are meant to be.

Frustration means:
we want something more.

Can we be happy
and present
and excited
to take our frustration
and turn it into learning?

I think, feel and have experienced
that's a pretty nice way to live.

What do you think?



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